Age Of Uprising – The Legend Of Michael Kohlhaas (2013)
Unpicking the tragic deadlock of a wronged man out for justice, Arnaud des Pallières’ Michael Kohlhaas is a fine tribute to people power and ruthless idealism.
Unpicking the tragic deadlock of a wronged man out for justice, Arnaud des Pallières’ Michael Kohlhaas is a fine tribute to people power and ruthless idealism.
Love and marriage inside a Jewish orthodox family, Rama Burshtein’s Fill The Void puts womanhood centre-stage in this moody relationship drama.
A war movie like no other, Atiq Rahimi’s The Patience Stone leaves no woe unturned as a woman rails against man and the theatre of war.
Will the circle be unbroken? John Krokidas’ Kill Your Darlings uncovers Allen Ginsberg’s dance with death as the Beat generation stage a writers’ revolution.
Down and out in Warsaw, Tomasz Wasilewski’s haunting Floating Skyscrapers explores identity in flux and gay love in a hopeless place in contemporary Poland.
A clash of cultures with a war zone in the writers room, John Lee Hancock’s Saving Mr Banks puts adaptation and that special relationship on trial
Fathoming the sordid depths of taboo and transgression, François Ozon’s Jeune Et Jolie finds the unfathomable in a teenager trading innocence for money.
A vibrant kaleidoscope of life on the high seas, Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Verena Paravel’s Leviathan sails the rough waters between video art and cinema.
Courting controversy all the way from Cannes, Abdellatif Kechiche’s Blue Is The Warmest Colour puts the graphic back into graphic novel.
A sexy battle of the sexes, Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s debut feature Don Jon looks at the modern craving for perfection through the prism of pornography.
A heart-stopping tumble through space, Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity is a juggernaut of a survival movie, crashing down to Earth with a glorious bang.
Exposing the front lines of the AIDS epidemic on the streets of New York, David France’s How To Survive A Plague is a moving testament to people power.
The making of a legend, Joey Figueroa and Zak Knutson’s bio-documentary Milius uncovers the gun-toting storyteller and filmmaker that took Hollywood on and lost.
Taking on the world one man at a time, Sebastián Lelio’s Gloria is a glorious look at a woman giving up on love.