Another Round (2020) – On demand and in cinemas now – Oscar winner
Another Round (Druk) reunites dogme director Thomas Vinterberg (Festen) and his brooding star Mads Mikkelson to earn a 2021 Oscar for Best Film in a Foreign Language..
Another Round (Druk) reunites dogme director Thomas Vinterberg (Festen) and his brooding star Mads Mikkelson to earn a 2021 Oscar for Best Film in a Foreign Language..
Inspired by his experience growing up in a commune, Thomas Vinterberg’s The Commune loses emotional power, buried under a multitude of individual stories.
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, as Thomas Vinterberg’s The Hunt exposes the brutality of blind prejudice faced with the spectre of child abuse.
In the year of London 2012, the 56th London Film Festival is exploring the capital, from Dickensian Smithfield via the brutalist Barbican to modern-day Hackney.
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