Cannes Film Festival 2021 Day 10
Cannes 2021 Day 10: Les Olympiades, Memoria, France./
Cannes 2021 Day 10: Les Olympiades, Memoria, France./
The Sisters Brothers is a darkly funny, revisionist Western directed by Jacques Audiard.
With an extraordinary central performance, Jacques Audiard’s Dheepan offers a searing portrait of Europe as seen by the dispossessed.
Opening and closing with the crowning achievements of the 20th century, the 59th London Film Festival brings the battle of the sexes centre-stage.
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Set on the battlefields of Sri Lanka and the banlieues, Jacques Audiard’s Palme d’Or winning Dheepan is an inspirational tale on the power of family.
Based on John Ford’s The Searchers, Thomas Bidegain’s Cowboys is a thoroughly modern, European western of cowboys and Islamists.
A tour-de-force of violence and casual love, Jacques Audiard’s Rust And Bone sees the human spirit triumph over the body’s all-too-vulnerable fragility.
In the year of London 2012, the 56th London Film Festival is exploring the capital, from Dickensian Smithfield via the brutalist Barbican to modern-day Hackney.
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Playing the waiting game, Noer and Lindholm’s R: Hit First, Hit Hardest reveals the bitter, cinematic truth about life behind bars in a Danish prison.
Thrills-and-spills jailbird Bildungsroman or darkly poetic gangster thriller? Whatever it is, Audiard’s Un Prophète is the arthouse blockbuster par excellence.