Opponent (2023) (Motståndaren)
Opponent, written and directed by Milad Alami, is a powerful, must-see film about the refugee experience and conflicted desires.
Opponent, written and directed by Milad Alami, is a powerful, must-see film about the refugee experience and conflicted desires.
The Worst Person in the World is an enchanting but dark Nordic coming-of-age-rom-com by Joachim Trier, starring a luminous, award-winning central performance by Renate Reinsve.
Working relations between four women working at a Danish research facility escalate dangerously when death threats are received and suspicions start to turn within the team in Jesper W. Nielsen’s The Exception.
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Phoenix, director Camilla Strøm Henriksen’s debut, is an understated, sad film cutting across genres, a realistic story of children and catastrophically selfish parents with supernatural elements.
Utøya – July 22 by Erik Poppe is a stunning real-time reconstruction of the Norwegian massacre.
Economically crumbling Paraguay after many years of patriarchal dictatorship is the setting for a subtle story of female self-discovery in Marcelo Martinessi’s The Heiresses.
In Thelma, both the main protagonist and director Joachim Trier realise the potential of her psychic powers, culminating in a taut and shocking narrative that refuses to bow down to one particular genre.
It’s desperate times for democracy in Erik Poppe’s The King’s Choice as Norway’s monarch attempts to save both King and country.
Transporting August Strindberg’s play to colonial Ireland, Liv Ullmann’s Miss Julie imbues her underwhelming tale of forbidden love with Swedish style.
Putting an unhappy life under the microscope, Ole Giæver’s Out Of Nature is an acute but glum excursion into first world problems.
Friends since childhood, Kon-Tiki directors Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg sail through their Norse saga of adventure, friendship and trust with a handsome parable on film-making.
A Norwegian satire on mob warfare and Nordic habits, Hans Petter Moland’s In Order Of Disappearance is a hilarious comedy that takes us beyond ordinary scruples.
Compelling in its gut-wrenching portrayal of conflict, A Thousand Times Good Night is a solid film buoyed by an assured and powerful central performance