Maldoror directed by Fabrice du Welz is a dark thriller based on a horrific real-life case.
The Price of Pursuing Justice
by Alexa DalbyMaldoror
3.0 out of 5.0 stars
CAUTION: Here be spoilers
Belgium is clearly still recovering years later from the shock of the horror case of paedophile Marc Dutroux in 1995, sentenced in 2004. Maldoror (the code name for the investigation in the film) is based on it.
Idealistic rookie police recruit Paul (Antoine Bajon) joins a unit tracking a sex offender (Sergi López). When a dysfunctional police force does not uncover the paedophile ring in the establishment that he is part of, and also solve the disappearance of two little girls, he feels compelled to continue the quest himself. His fight against the system in his pursuit of justice affects and alienates everyone in his life, as is gradually revealed, and as he becomes more driven, he becomes increasingly isolated.
The colour palette is muddy, with rain-sodden industrial landscapes, grey skies and decay, reflecting the pervading atmosphere of Maldoror.
Maldoror is a dark, tense and moral thriller in its examination of the nature of evil.
Maldoror premiered at the Venice International Film Festival. International representation is by The PR Factory.