Directed by video artists Masbedo, The Lack is a haunting study of absence through the eyes of six desperate women immersed in a silent natural environment.
The Lack
0.0 out of 5.0 stars
Absence Makes the Heart
by Laura BennettCAUTION: Here be spoilers
The Lack tells a story of resilience, as six women struggle to put the pieces of their lives back together. Linked only by the overriding theme of absence and their expansive and unsullied natural surroundings, all six women are on a journey of self-discovery. They are forced to cope with abandonment, separation, courage, loneliness and exertion, reflected in the endless scenery that stretches out before them. Light on dialogue, the film’s beauty lies perhaps unsurprisingly in its ability to recreate these emotions through imagery. Directed by video artists Niccolò Massazza & Iacopo Bedogni (aka Masbedo), The Lack is part work of art, part film – an experiment that strikes plenty of chords.
The Lack is showing on 9th March 2015 at Cinema Made In Italy at the Ciné Lumière